
Laura Ranger
Thriller, Suspense, Action & Adventure, Christian Fiction
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- Member Since
Jun 2016
- Gender
- Country
United States
- Born
14 January, 1962
- Profession
Author, Publisher
Mother, Grandmother, Storyteller, Business Owner, Herder of cats.
Laura Ranger is a natural storyteller. She has been turning all of life into stories since she was very young. This mother of one, grandmother of three began actually writing her fictitious stories down to the delight of her friends and family. She's been writing her tales for over twenty years. She became a published author when she put one of her short stories in a Christmas anthology in support of feeding children around the world, entitled Eight 'Til Christmas. Once she saw one of her stories in print, she will tell you she can't stop.
In addition to co-authoring Rogue, she has a novel called Lessons, which is almost complete. She envisions parents reading with their children. Laura discovered while writing the book, the lessons throughout the story speak to both children and adults. Additionally, she has contracted her novel Deception with Mélange Books, LLC to be released next year. She is currently writing a novel on good versus evil called Royalty, and new stories coming to her all the time.
Laura will tell you, "God blessed me with a natural gift of storytelling; it is up to me to use that gift to the best of my ability."